Friday, August 31, 2012

Let's Talk Animals...

There is a plethora of funny animal pictures on the internet, these days. You know what my favorite activity is? When I get bored and no one wants to entertain me, I turn to Google. I search "funny animal pictures without captions" (and of course Google gives me pictures WITH captions, but that's a different topic altogether), and I sit for hours laughing at the hilarious narrations in my head. So today, I think I will give you a taste of what goes on in my head when I see these awesome pictures!
"You mean...I'm not a mermaid?? *sniffle* Take the cake away! I don't even want it."
"Oh mah gaaahd, Marty! I can't feel mah lips....where are they?!"
And here is an example of what Google gives me when I add "without captions." Silly Google :D
Now, let's discuss the different type of people in the world:
The Overachiever
"She said go get the ball...I found three others on the way."

The Underachiever:
We all know the type...the ones that sit on the computer all day and surf the web for funny animal pictures, but they can't even come up with an original caption! Case in point.
The Wealthy:
Takes everything in excess.
 "Oh, yes, this is very good water you have in your village....Oh, this is the supply you use for the starving children's soup kitchen? My bad."
The Romantic:
The one that makes everyone else want to upchuck.
"Barry, I can't hold on much longer." "*whispers* Quiet!...My love, you are the most beautiful are a girl, right? Yes, good. A hamster could ask for! I want to gaze into your beady black eyes for the rest of my life...until we procreate and I find a new hamster woman. I love you so much!" "Oh, Barry! That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."
The Overly Religious:
"Dear LORD, I pray for the world right now with all the sinners! I ask for your forgiveness. I splurged on a pair of $10 sunglasses yesterday, and we all know gluttony is a sin. Also, I looked upon half naked pictures of Jeff Gordon last night, and I desired...I lusted for his body. Please have mercy on my soul!"
The Insane:
"Can I touch your ear with my tongue so I can taste your deepest thoughts?"

Ok, back to funny narrations! (Sorry, I ran out of people ideas, but I'll take suggestions in the forms of comments.)
"Hey, buddy. This is a zoo, not a photo shoot. Five pictures is plenty for the family vacation album. Geez, some people."


"Sir, Sir? Excuse me, sir? Could you let go of my're hurting my nose."

Well, that concludes the funny animal narrations blog, for now. There will be more, I'm sure. Any ideas are welcome. :) We appreciate you reading our blog. Feel free to show some love...anytime...
Happy pooping! And remember, animals will always be funny, if you make them say funny things.

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